The Ultimate Guide To Coachella Style
Table of Contents

Coachella style is a bit hard to describe. It tends to evolve a bit every year, and the best looks tend to be the most original. But still, it can daunting to visit what some call the most stylish festival on the planet. People sometimes spend months planning their outfits to perfection, so the thought of going to such a place can seem…intimidating.
I want to start this off by saying it doesn’t really matter what you wear.
You will be on a hot, dry, dusty, crowded, giant field for three days straight.
Your safety and comfort come first!
Do not feel any pressure to reveal more skin than you are comfortable with. It was hot and I felt okay with all of my outfits, but it might be a little too much for some people. (Others may not think I took it far enough!) Do not wear high heels (for crying out loud) just because you think it compliments your outfit the best.
Coachella style is about finding a compromise between your comfort zone, your personal style, and the elements.
Historical temperatures for the Coachella first-timer can be shockingly extreme. Daytime temps can be over 100 F, while night time can dive as low as 45 F! Just be prepared with layers. Bring a backpack with a pair of pants and a jacket. If you are camping, you can keep it in your camp area and anyone has the option of storing your belongings in a locker if you’d rather not carry it around.
Last thing I’ll mention about clothing before I show you what I wore…bring a bandana! Dust storms can be frequent and severe. You are in the desert, after all. So bring a bandana! This is the one I brought. Don’t worry about not looking cute. As you’ll see, nearly everyone else around you will have one. If you are in the stage areas packed like sardines waiting for the next artist, you’ll regret not being prepared!
Side Note: Check out my Ultimate Guide To Coachella for the best way plan your best Coachella/Festival weekend ever!
Coachella Style: Day One

Coachella Style: Day Two

Coachella Style: Day Three

- Find YOUR personal style and expand upon it
- You will be on your feet all day so comfort is key
- The weather will change dramatically, so have layers on standby
- Bring a bandana for sudden dust storms
- Optional: Go with one general theme for the whole weekend to make it easier to mix and match. For example, my general theme was gold. Most of my accessories, makeup, and clothing had gold in them. Sometimes, you get somewhere and want to make tweaks to your outfit, or change it completely. Give yourself the opportunity to do so just in case.
- Stay hydrated!
Extra Resources
Check out these sites to find some style inspiration! Start planning now for any future festival you plan to attend, whether it’s Coachella, Afropunk, EDC, Burning Man, Carnival, Tomorrowland, etc.
I really hope you found this helpful! Which was your favorite outfit? do you have any festival style advice of your own? Planning to go to any festivals this year? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below!
*****PIN FOR LATER!*****

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