About Me

Hello, hello, hello!
Welcome to my site! I’m so glad you found your way here, and I hope you check back every so often as I will be posting content weekly.

My name is Dominique and I have decided to create this site as both a creative outlet for me and (hopefully) a source of useful knowledge for you. I am a young female in my 20’s so I suppose I will write from that perspective, although you will find my experiences to be universal. I have been traveling and eating (with a critical eye) for many years now, and my posts will reflect that.

I often get asked the same questions from my family, friends, & co-workers:
- How do you find so many travel deals?
- Where do you suggest I travel next?
- What is the best way to pack for a 1-week winter trip?
- What foods should I absolutely try when I go to Southeast Asia?
- What’s your favorite local sushi restaurant?
Etc. etc. etc.

The list goes on and on! From my experiences, I thought I should share them online with you all as a way for me to organize my thoughts and to inspire you to go where you never thought possible.

Although it seems glamorous to travel overseas and eat exotic foods, you don’t need to travel 2,000 miles away to have amazing experiences. You can escape in your own home state, and even your own town. It’s all about having an open mind! I am based in Southern California, and I currently do not travel full time. I used to be depressed upon returning from an international trip, let down from the thrill of living for a week in the unknown. But I could not continue to live like this, happy only away from home. I encourage you all to discover the unknown nearby. Often, we love to travel to feed our curiosity. There is plenty to discover nearby without having to board a plane.

Live in a constant state of open mindedness and curiosity, and I promise you that your quality of life will improve!